Connect Without Contact — The Ease and Fun of Connecting

Part 2 of 2 (Find Part 1 here)

By Alexander Germanis

Technology is meant to help us and to make our lives easier. In fact, when any technological innovation works well, we often forget what it was like to ever live without it. The convenience of gathering information online has never been greater.

Using the Internet in order to connect with others is definitely one of those steps forward in technology that can have that power. Your potential for learning is great also.

As mentioned in part one of this series, “The Advantage of Video Conferencing,” there can be a bit of a learning curve when connecting online for the first time. Rest assured, it really is a simple process that gets even easier the more you do it. And, like learning to ride a bike, a little bit of uncertainty at the start can lead to a great deal of fun and even to the ability to explore new worlds.

Once you have access to the required equipment such as a desktop computer, laptop or tablet (smartphones will work but aren’t recommended); an Internet connection, and a link to the webinar, a video conferencing event requires little else.

Of course any presenter first needs to know you have an interest in attending their online event, so registration is a necessary first step. This can be done on most presenters’ websites. Sometimes there may be a list of different presentation or webinar dates and times from which you can choose, depending on your own schedule. Once you choose a preferred time, registration is usually little more than including your contact information.

Once registered, you will receive a confirmation email with your link to the webinar. Then, one day before the event, you will receive a reminder email with your link as well as one hour before the webinar is scheduled to start. From there, connecting is as simple as clicking the link, which will then take you to the appropriate landing page for the online meeting.

Once the meeting has begun, you will be able to ask questions using the chat feature of Click Meeting, the platform used for these specific events. A word to the wise though. When you ask a question or share information, understand that everyone who is participating will be able to see that information. So it’s best to keep personal information out of the chat and share that with your presenter privately afterwards when you can speak one on one.

Be prepared to take notes including the contact information of the person presenting the webinar. Hopefully that presenter will answer your questions during the webinar. If not, you will have their contact information so you may get answers to those questions or any that arise after the event ends.

These events can open doors to making long-lasting connections with not only the industry professionals holding the event—they can give you a sense of pride in knowing you were able to navigate the Internet and enjoy the event from the comfort of your own home.

This of course leads to one of the best aspects of attending an online event: When you log off from the event, you are already home. There is no need to wait in line to get out, no need to fight your way out of a parking lot, and no need to drive home. Online events can be more than time savers, they can save you a little sanity too.

There are countless reasons learning to connect online can be beneficial and fun, not least of which is the new doors it can open for you—to your friends and loved ones. Regardless of how far away someone might live, their face and voice will be just a few clicks away.

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