How Much Will I Need to Retire

McBeath Financial

By Krista McBeath, McBeath Financial Group   As a retirement planner, my mission is to help you achieve your retirement goals. When people consult with me, they often want to know if they have saved enough in their IRA or 401K to enjoy the retirement of their dreams without running out of money. For those […]

When Retirement Isn’t Your Choice


Submitted by McBeath Financial Group   Let’s face it. Sometimes you can do everything right, and it still feels like you end up getting a raw deal. You want to scream your frustrations at the world. You might even cry yourself to sleep at night, so worried about your family and your future that you […]

Reaching Retirement: Now What?

social security

By Krista McBeath, McBeath Financial You’ve worked hard your whole life anticipating the day you could finally retire. Well, that day has arrived! But with it comes the realization that you’ll need to carefully manage your assets to give them lasting potential. Review Your Portfolio Regularly Traditional wisdom holds that retirees should value the safety […]

McBeath Financial Group Beyond Retirement

generational wealth

By Alexander Germanis “A penny saved is a penny earned,” is an axiom that holds as true today as it did the day Benjamin Franklin first dispensed this financial advice. The only problem is a penny does not go anywhere near as far as it did in his day. In fact, if the founding father […]

Do You Need a Financial Planner?

financial planning

By Krista McBeath, McBeath Financial Group Some people may feel confident they know enough regarding the dos and don’ts of the financial world; they may feel they don’t need any help. Their investments are diversified, they believe they have saved enough for retirement, and that’s all they need to know, right? Unfortunately, not. There is […]

Financial Problems Can Be Sign of Dementia Onset

cognitive impairment

Submitted by Sugar Creek Alzheimer’s Special Care Center Dementia is a term used for loss of memory, lack of ability to problem solve, and inability to perform everyday activities. Having difficulties with finances may be an early sign. More than 5 million Americans, most age 65 or older, are thought to be living with dementia […]

But What if You Live? The Financial Realities of Longevity

retirement strategy

By Krista McBeath, McBeath Financial Group I find no humor in aging or death, so let me be very upfront about that. However, I am sometimes bemused by the outlook some people have on their passing. I am perplexed by the mind-shift of some healthy aging people that they begin to anticipate the worst, and […]

Is It Wise To Trade Your Pension for a Lump Sum?

pension plan

By Krista McBeath, McBeath Financial Group Most private employers have already replaced traditional pensions, which promise lifetime income payments in retirement, with defined contribution plans such as 401(k)s. Fifteen percent of private-sector workers and 75 percent of state and local government workers still participate in traditional pensions. Altogether, 35 percent of workers say they (and/or […]

Give Your Retirement Plan an Annual Checkup

By Krista McBeath, McBeath Financial Group Financial professionals typically recommend that you review your employer-sponsored retirement savings plan annually, and when major life changes occur. If you haven’t revisited your plan yet in 2021, the beginning of the year may be an ideal time to do so. Reexamine Your Risk Tolerance This past year saw […]

You Don’t Need a Financial Planner to Retire

By Krista McBeath, McBeath Financial Group It may sound odd for a financial planner to say that you don’t need a financial planner in order to retire, but it’s true. You could set up your own retirement plan! You might even do okay. You could use a stockbroker, an insurance agent, or even do it […]