How Lifestyle Can Impact Neuropathy

one degree functional

Submitted by One Degree Functional Health

Your lifestyle choices can have a big impact on your neuropathy and your symptoms. Nutrition is a one of those choices. What you eat or don’t eat is very important for healing neuropathy. For example, if you have diabetes, it is very important to monitor blood sugar levels and keep them at a consistently acceptable range. In addition, other lifestyle changes are key to manage symptoms. You should exercise regularly, refrain from smoking, limit alcohol, pay attention to your feet and hands for any kinds of injuries that don’t heal, eat healthy meals, and ensure you are getting proper nutrition. 

Healthy or not, nutrition is a big factor in the feeding and care of the body. Patients with chronic diseases and conditions should especially be vigilant about what they eat. A well-rounded and nutritious diet is the best line of defense against most diseases. That includes a variety of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, low-fat dairy, healthy fats, lean poultry, and fish. 

Supplements can play a major supporting role in the treatment of neuropathy. If someone isn’t getting the proper nutrition from the food they eat, then supplementation may be needed to augment the diet. If patients are eating a healthy diet, they should be getting what they need from the food they eat. Sometimes that’s not possible if they have a lack of appetite, are on a calorie restricted diet, or have some other health condition or reason that keeps them from eating a nutritious and healthy diet. 

Also, there is the topic of exercise to keep the body moving. How can someone with peripheral neuropathy exercise if it is painful or their balance is too poor for them to even walk?  Many patients do have trouble walking, however there are many ways to get exercise and stay active without it being painful. There are chair exercises where a person stays seated and moves their body through a series of exercises. Swimming is also an excellent option for staying active. Of course, once a patient visits One Degree Functional Health, and starts getting treatment, they should be able to start walking again without pain or balance issues.

One Degree Functional Health uses a state-of-the art technology approach at the core of the treatment plan that, when applied to the surface of the skin, produces electric cell signals, and sends them throughout the nervous system. This in turn accelerates the body’s ability to repair damaged nerves. This treatment gives new hope to those suffering from chronic pain, tingling, numbness, burning, diabetes, and all neuropathy sufferers. Dr. Weinman is Board Certified in Neuropathy and has had tremendous success in treating neuropathy and giving people back their quality of life.

If neuropathy is limiting your enjoyment of life, get on track with a healthy lifestyle and call One Degree Functional Health to get help. Please contact our office today at (309) 698-2500 to schedule your neuropathy exam!


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